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3 Tips For Planting Wildflowers

by Zack Gilbert

Wildflowers are a good addition to any garden because most varieties are easy to start from seeds and they typically do not require significant maintenance like vegetables or flowers. Before you select the wildflowers you want to grow, there are important factors that can help with your decision.

Start Early

Autumn is an excellent time to begin planning and planting your wildflowers, although it seems like the least desirable time. If you live in a colder climate that experiences harsh winters, you want to start planting your wildflowers when the ground becomes cold enough to prevent germination. The rationale behind this is your seeds will be in a state of hibernation throughout the winter and be ready to germinate when the weather is more conducive to their growth. Once the spring arrives, you should start seeing the fruits of your labor. In warmer climates that may not see the traditional transition from a cold winter to warm spring, planting your seeds in the fall will allow them to germinate before it becomes oppressively hot, which can happen in early spring for some localities.

Know Your Zone

Although you may prefer certain wildflowers, it is always best to let your zone dictate the plants you choose. Most wildflower seed packets will contain information about the ideal conditions for your wildflowers and which zones are most appropriate for the mix. Zones take into account the temperature that is common in the area. You should also consider other variations that may affect growth, such as the average rainfall each year. If you live in a relatively dry climate, it may take more effort on your part to grow and maintain plants that enjoy more water. Conversely, moist climates can be detrimental for some types of plants, especially those prone to growing fungus.

Consider Extra Features

Some plants have extra features that can make them more attractive to plant. For example, you may want to attract certain animals to your garden, such as hummingbirds or butterflies. Attracting various animals to your garden has many benefits. Since bees and other small animals help with pollination, your current wildflowers may create new seeds and grow again during future seasons. If you have an interest in beekeeping, even starting a small hive will require food for your bees. Having wildflower nearby that attract bees will help your hive maintain itself and produce your personal supply of honey.

If you are interested in gardening, wildflowers are a good starting point. The large variety of wildflowers for almost any climate means everyone can have a small flower garden.
