When the awning over your door or window develops a problem, you don't want to ignore it. In addition to being an eyesore, a broken awning won't perform its job of pushing water away from your home, which could potentially increase the risk of flooding. Unless you're experienced in working with awnings, you likely want to call an awning repair service to have this matter fixed promptly. There may be a handful of awning repair services that operate in your community, so calling a few of them to discuss your needs and ask some questions can help you to find the right candidate. Here are some questions that you should pose.
Do You Offer On-Site Repairs?
On-site repairs might not be possible for every awning repair job, but this idea is desirable when it's possible. A repair service that can do the work in your yard will get the job done quicker than one that arrives to remove your awning, repairs it elsewhere, and then returns to put the awning back up. If the repair service can offer on-site work, you may need to take photos of the damage and send them to the service in advance. Doing so will ensure that the repair technician has the right materials for your job.
How Well Can You Match Outdated Products?
If the awnings that you own are old, exact replacement products might be difficult for the repair service to obtain. This may especially be true if your awning manufacturer is no longer in business. You don't want to hire a repair service that will use awning material and metal brackets in the repair job that aren't a close match to what you already have — this type of work would likely be highly evident for those who are looking at your home. Ask about matching repair products so that you can feel confident in how the end result will look.
What Upgrades Can You Offer?
Needing repairs to your awnings can be a perfect time to think about upgrading these items. For example, if you have an awning that remains in place, but you're interested in a retractable awning, there's no better time to have this work done than when your repair technician may already have the awning partially disassembled. If you're not aware of all of the potential upgrades that might benefit you and your home, don't hesitate to have the repair technician outline the choices for you.
Contact a company, like Lockhart Gene & Son Canvas Awnings, for more help.