Your Family Never Has to "Outgrow" A Home You Love

  • 5 Mattress Buying Considerations

    3 September 2021

    Choosing a mattress is more about price. There are a few specifics one should keep in mind as they shop. 1. Support The level and type of support you need depends in part on your sleeping style. Those that sleep on their backs typically require firmer support in order to keep the spine properly aligned in sleep. Side sleepers, on the other hand, may need a little less support in order to take the weight off pressure points like the hips and shoulders.

  • Building A Tiny Home For Your Aging Parents? Why The Plans Should Include A Gas Fireplace

    22 June 2021

    If you're building a tiny home for your aging parents, and you want to include a fireplace, make sure you choose the right type. You might think that a wood fireplace is the best option for your mother-in-law suite, but that might not be the case. Wood fireplaces do provide beauty and ambiance to any home. However, if you're building your tiny home for your aging parents, you'll want to think about their specific needs, which is where the gas fireplace comes into the picture.

  • Think About These Things When Buying A Dining Table

    22 March 2021

    When you are going to be buying your next dining table and chairs, there are ways of ensuring you get the best set, not only for your home but also for the whole family. You should use this guide to find the right set.  Determining the best size for your next dining table Go around the dining area and measure from the wall to the closest you would want the table to come to that leaves enough space for the chairs to be pulled out.

  • Eight Tools Everyone Needs For Their First Place

    9 March 2021

    if you are a young adult, officially on your own and in your own place, then it is time to start building up the tools that will aid you throughout life — literal tools. Every living space needs a proper toolkit for those little jobs like hanging a picture or putting together furniture, as well as for more detailed jobs like shutting a stuck water valve while waiting for a maintenance tech to arrive.

  • Unique Ways To Use Mason Jars In Your Home Decor

    4 December 2020

    Country and rustic décor themes have become increasingly popular with homeowners. One of the cutest and most versatile items that you can incorporate into this kind of home décor is glass mason jar sets. Many people fail to realize the potential of these jars. Here are a few different ways that you can use mason jars around your home to enhance your home's rustic country décor. Light Bulb Enclosures If you have hanging lights in your home, you can cover those bulbs with mason jars to create a unique and adorable light fixture.

  • Own A Screened Pool Enclosure? How To Tell When Repairs Are Needed

    2 September 2020

    If you have a screened pool enclosure, you need to pay close attention to it. Any type of damage can make the enclosure less safe and secure. Routine maintenance can help to extend the life of your screened pool enclosure. It's also important to take care of repairs in a timely manner. Unfortunately, many pool owners don't know how to identify problems that require repairs. Here are four signs that your screened pool enclosure needs to be repaired.

  • Ready For Rain? How To Identify The Need For Gutter Repairs

    13 July 2020

    If you haven't inspected your gutters lately, you may have missed some warning signs. It's not enough to clean your gutters once a year. You also need to inspect your gutters for damage. When your gutters are damaged, they can't give your home the protection they need. Unfortunately, that means you might be at an increased risk for water damage. Before the rainy season arrives again, give your gutters a thorough inspection.

  • Signs You Need New Bedroom Furniture In Your Home

    29 May 2020

    Do you need new bedroom furniture in your home? You may not realize you need new furnishings, but if you look for signs that you need new bedroom furniture sets, you'll see quickly when this is a necessity for your home. Here are three signs you need new bedroom furniture in your home.  You have outdated furnishings Do you have an older bed in your bedroom that doesn't match your more modern dresser or vanity?

  • Tips To Improve Your Outdoor Backyard Space With The Right Canopy

    22 May 2020

    Your outdoor space is a great way to soak up some vitamin D and also enjoy the fresh air on a regular basis. However, the sun and rain may limit your ability to enjoy the nature you have in your own backyard, but with a canopy covering you can improve its use and your ability to enjoy it. Here are some tips to make your outdoor space more comfortable and enjoyable during the weather conditions of summer.

  • Incorporating Light Switch Plates And Electrical Outlet Covers Into Your Room Design

    26 March 2020

    Light switches and outlets are boring, right? They serve a purpose, and we must have them in our homes, but they do not have to be boring. In fact, there are many different covers and plates you can find out there that are unique and can become part of your room design.  Wooden Cover Plates If you are looking for outlet covers or switch plates that will accent the style of a home, there are many period-specific designs that you can use to bring the look or feel of a time-period to your home.